Monday 3rd FEbRUARY – 10th March
7:30pm-9pm in MR6
Week 1 | Salvation and Water Baptism
Week 2 | Bible
Week 3 | Holy Spirit
Week 4 | Prayer
Week 5 | Freedom
Week 6 | Church
FOundations COurse Breakdown
Salvation & Water Baptism
In this session we talk about what is salvation, why we need it and how God has brought salvation to us through Jesus. Water baptism is a next step in declaring that you are a follower of Jesus. It is a public expression of an inward decision that you’ve made to follow Jesus as Lord and Saviour of your life.
The bible is approachable, reliable and applicable. There are many tools we will learn and apply in this session to help us glean from God’s word and how we can apply it to our lives.
Holy Spirit
We learn about who Holy Spirit is and how He helps us to become more like Jesus in our every day life. He gives us gifts and helps us to grow in areas such as patience, kindness, love and joy – just to name a few!
God wants to spend time with us. That means that He has things He wants to tell us, just as much as we want to tell him about our lives. We talk about how to learn to listen to God when He speaks and how we can communicate with Him about the things that matter to us.
True to His nature of compassion and love, God’s desire for us is that we live in health and wholeness in every area of our lives. In this session, we talk about the different areas of freedom that is offered to us that follow Jesus and His ways.
The Church is God’s design. We have been grafted into the body of Christ. We are connected to one another as believers to worship Jesus and love and serve one another.
If you are interested and want to attend: